A Bedroom Fit for Female President?
The cool weather has finally arrived in Colorado and we’re excited to have the new Zenith Venus Mat finally entering production near Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love.
The world feels pretty intense right now so if you live in the USA, we hope you’re getting ready to vote with love...
“If you want to bring peace to the world, go home & love your family.” ~ Mother Teresa
As a socially-minded business, we see the personal as inextricably political here at Venus Matters and that’s why we’re proud to stand for women’s reproductive freedom around the globe. If you are a citizen of this great country, we hope you’ll consider voting for the first female president who will protect the rights of women to make their own decisions about their bodies.
If you find a mix of politics and business distasteful, we respectfully disagree. Venus Matters was born to support women and girls in bed and beyond so until all women are free, we will keep talking politics. Together, we can bring about a more sane and compassionate world where women’s rights are finally recognized and protected as human rights.
The choice is clear. Please make a plan to vote!
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